how to collect financial detail of stocks?

Selection of good stock is not that easy.
You should check the fundamentals of that company. Also see their debts, assets, liabilities, P/E ratio,Promoters,future potential, study of balance sheet of that company, this whole process is known as fundamental analysis.
You can checkout exchange website for details of companies and nowadays there are also available many free applications and websites.
For find a quality stock you should study some data given below:
VALUATION: Here are some screenshot of RIL's Valuation data which i take from
we will discuss in brief about Consolidated and Standalone Valuation, Market Cap, P/E,Book Value,Dividend,EPS,Face Value.
Here as you can see from dec 2018 to dec 2019 a Financial data of RIL.This will help you to track company.
SHARE HOLDING PATTERN & MUTUAL FUND HOLDING:Here you can see stake of promoters of company,FII's Holding,Mutual Funds Holding etc.
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